
快來看!每日一篇英語短文-英語小故事 短篇

每日一篇英語短文-英語小故事 短篇:A Simple Song

A simple song is a beautiful way to spend a day. It can make you feel relaxed and happy, and it can also help you to clear your mind. Here is a simple song that you can try:

Verse 1:

In the morning, I rise up

My mind is fresh and clear

I take a deep breath, and I am ready

To face the world and do my best.


A simple song, a gentle breeze

A simple life, a happy heart

A simple song, a way to be

A simple life, a happy life.

Verse 2:

In the evening, I put my feet up

My head is peaceful and clear

I close my eyes, and I am at home

In my own world, with my own company.


A simple song, a gentle breeze

A simple life, a happy heart

A simple song, a way to be

A simple life, a happy life.


The world can be a complex place, but with a simple song, you can see it as just another day. You can make the most of your time, and you can also feel grateful for all the things that you have.


A simple song, a gentle breeze

A simple life, a happy heart

A simple song, a way to be

A simple life, a happy life.


So, today I will keep a simple song in my heart, and I will make the most of every day. I will be happy, and I will be healthy, and I will be grateful. And I know that with a simple song in my heart, I can lead a simple and happy life.

以上就是【快來看!每日一篇英語短文-英語小故事 短篇】的全部內(nèi)容。




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